How to Care For Your Skin After Wearing Makeup

*Model Depicted

Makeup is a great tool for accentuating your best features and giving yourself a bit of a confidence boost. And while these products have come a long way in being kinder to your skin, it’s still important to take steps to nourish your skin once you have removed the makeup. At Skin Dimensions Online, we provide a variety of skincare products that are made from the high-quality ingredients you need to refresh and maintain your skin after a day of wearing makeup. Read through our tips for taking proper care of the sensitive skin on your face, then head to our shop to find everything you need to keep your skin healthy.

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image of a woman cleansing her skin

Start With a Good Cleanser

The most important step when it comes to restoring your skin after wearing makeup is using a gentle cleanser. It’s important to thoroughly remove all traces of makeup, but you also want to protect your skin from over-washing, which can strip it of natural oils and leave it feeling dry and tight. An oil-based or milky facial cleanser is a great choice for removing makeup and keeping your skin hydrated. If you wear makeup daily, it’s a good idea to cleanse your face in the morning before you apply it as well so you can start with a fresh canvas.

image of a woman exfoliating

Exfoliate Regularly

Weekly exfoliation is great for maintaining healthy, glowing skin, and it’s especially important after you’ve been wearing makeup all day. Exfoliating will help to slough away any dead cells that have accumulated from the process of applying and removing makeup, helping to reveal a brighter complexion. A peel is another great exfoliation option that will leave you with similar results to traditional exfoliators. Remember that exfoliating should only be done two to three times a week to avoid making your skin overly dry.

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Hydrate With Moisturizer

Moisturizing should be part of your daily skincare routine, but it is especially important after you’ve been wearing makeup. Washing and scrubbing to remove the makeup can leave your face feeling dry, so it’s important to restore that moisture. Choose a lightweight moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and other natural skin nourishing ingredients like vitamins A, C, and E. 

If your skin still feels dry after being moisturized, consider trying a night mask. Night masks are designed to be more intense than daily moisturizers and will work to add an extra layer of hydration overnight. Apply the night mask before bed and rinse it off in the morning.

image of a woman using eye cream

Treat With Eye Treatments

The eye area is one of the funnest places to experiment with different eye shadow color pallets and creative touches of eyeliner. However, the eye area is also very delicate and can easily become dry and irritated after a day of wearing makeup. To keep your eye area looking bright, use an eye cream to keep your skin nourished and healthy. Look for ingredients like jojoba oil or hyaluronic acid, which will help to rehydrate the skin and reduce any puffiness or discoloration.

Relax at Skin Dimensions!

At Skin Dimensions Online, we have everything you need to care for your skin after a day of wearing makeup. With our wide selection of cleansers, exfoliators, moisturizers, masks, eye treatments, and more, you’re sure to find the products that are right for your skin type. Once you have the products you need, you can then incorporate them into a regular skincare routine to help ensure you’re keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. Give your skin what it needs after a day of makeup with Skin Dimensions Online!

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